Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary can be found in Carmen, San Agustin Romblon. To get to the sanctuary you will have to hire a boat worth P30 each. There are a lot of fish that can be found and the water is deep. I enjoyed my time there; the place is picturesque and breathtaking. You can stay for a day and you can bring your own snack, water etc.

Carmen Fish Santuary

Carmen Fish Santuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Carmen Fish Sanctuary

Sibuyan Island Photography

It's more fun in Sibuyan Island 

Sibuyan Island

Sibuyan Island

Sibuyan Island

Sibuyan Island

Sibuyan Island
Sibuyan Island
Sibuyan Island
Sibuyan Island
jump shot


Friday, May 26, 2017

Different Side of Me

Having different personality is great! I love discovering, exploring and trying new things. I don't want to be stuck up in one place. You only got one life, get the most of it. 

Clara Jean Juanzo

Zarks Burger

I love Calories! 

Clara Jean Juanzo

Clara Jean Juanzo & Gerardo Ribon

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Cajidiocan Fiesta

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for the month of December in Sibuyan many “bakasyonista” usually come and see these activities.

Fiestas and Why They Occur

What actually are fiestas and why do these celebrations occur? The fiesta is of Spanish origin (the reason for the Spanish term). Spain, being a Roman Catholic country, set aside certain days to remember particular saints with processions and celebrations. When Spanish missionaries entered the Philippines during the mid-1500s, they found that the fiesta was a convenient tool to help teach Filipinos the Roman Catholic faith.
From the very beginning Spaniards brought missionaries to the Islands. The Spanish wanted to christianize the people, as well as colonize the country. The missionaries tried to attract the people, who lived in widespread areas, to the towns where there were Roman Catholic churches. Missionaries hoped and expected that people would be drawn to and participate in the colorful processions and religious dramas.
Today, there are fiestas throughout the Philippines to celebrate events in the life of Jesus and Mary, and to honor saints who lived long ago. When the Spaniards came, many communities were given names of saints. Nearly all towns have a patron saint to remember.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

A Fiesta only happens once a year, and it is filled with amazing sounds, colorful ambiance and lively dance. We Filipinos love fiesta. Just by hearing gives us goose bumps because it brings such a great memory. Fiesta has always been a special time with friends; it is a time for fellowship, foods, and lots of activities. People become busy for weeks preparing for them. It is surprising, how even those facing many problems in their day-to-day life will set them aside and participate in the festivities. No surprise for month of Sibuyan, many “bakasyonista” will come and see these activities.

People Photography

Jungle Photography

River Photography

Tree Photography

Garden Photography

Garden Photography

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Me being bitter

I don't like schools, and like some of the students when i am in school my imagination usually wander in the outside, that is why i am not talkative. I like spending time alone, i love thinking and imagining. Ultimately it had become a habit and because of it i haven't focused much on school. If there are school projects and assignments i lazily do it. I usually frowned if there are assignments and i can't always wait to go home, going home is one of the best feeling in the world (hmm, such a terrible thing for me to say, ain't it? but that is what i felt.)

During elementary days my classmates talked about schools, games and building friendships, while me played Age of Empires till dawn, become addicted to computer, watched interesting movies showing the real world.

High school they talked about their crushes, friends, and studies while me got hooked up with the new gadget, experimenting them like a mad scientist,  watching college students do their homework, and of course trying to fit in in the society.

College Days, they talked about their future, while me, learned something, that it’s okay to be yourself, that you don’t have to please everybody, love what you do and don’t let other people think otherwise. Don’t be the same, don’t conform to the norm, you’re born different and let your difference stand out. There will always be people who will love you for being you.

Some valuables things cannot be learned in school. And that’s up to you to discover. I believe that one day intelligence won't be measured in your school card. 


I love photography as well as Photoshop and during my spare time I usually browse YouTube for tutorials to further enhance my Photoshop skills, let me tell you, it really helped a lot. It has been great learning from YouTube, it gave me a sense of direction even without a real person teaching me. I love YouTube, it’s free and you can always replay the videos for as long as you like. At the bottom are the product of my learning. 


clara jean juanzo edit

Photoshop Miniatures

I believe in the saying "Practice makes Perfect", and i believe that one day, i'll become an expert when it comes to editing. Trust me, nowadays, having a knowledge in Photoshop will one day be a thing of the future.