Monday, July 31, 2017

Vocabulary Words 1

1)    It is hard for me to feel somnolent especially at night  (sleepy)
2)    My corpulence is always hindering my confidence. (obese)
3)    They said i’m a taciturn but what they do not know is i’m gregarious. (silent by nature)
4)    My favorite sobrequet is cla. (nickname)
5)    Mining in Sibuyan is one rapacious move that will endanger the life of Sibuyanon people. (destructive and vicious)
6)    Being an impecunious child will make life harder to endure (poor; having little or no money)
7)    With his avuncular look, no one is hiring him. (like uncle- resembling an uncle)
8)    I consider my books as my coterie, which always guides me. (small exclusive group)
9)    And i saw them in silhouette. (shadowed contour)

10) I believed that antebellum things are rare and therefore priceless. (before civil war)

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